Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Treasure every single moment in life, especially with the ones you love.

I just watched a very touching movie, its called 10 promises to my dog / 犬と私の10の約束 /Inu to Watashi no 10 no Yakusoku

Im' still running a fever and crying made everything worse. My cousin lent me the disc she rented and I've waited for my mom to come home so we could watch it together, my dad just caught it halfway cause he has work in china tomorrow. Its kinda stupid that they don't celebrate christmas up there, what is christmas with your family members all in different places?

9. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I have only you.

10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you . . . (I found this especially touching, cause this represents what her mom wants to say to her)

Need some rest now, and I hope I'll be better on Christmas day.

Watch the movie if you have the chance, touching stories like these are much more meaningful that your action packed thrillers. I think I'll catch In America or Artificial Intelligence tomorrow.

Signing off at 12:06 am on 25th december.


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